Module pyfocusr.graph

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import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy import sparse
# import vtk
from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk
from .vtk_functions import *
from itkwidgets import Viewer
features_dictionary = {'curvature': get_min_max_curvature_values,
                       'min_curvature': get_min_curvature,
                       'max_curvature': get_max_curvature}

class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self,

        # Inputs
        self.vtk_mesh = vtk_mesh  # store mesh
        self.n_spectral_features = n_spectral_features  # number of spectral features to extract.
        self.norm_eig_vecs = norm_eig_vecs  # Bool - to normalize eigvecs or not. Option, but maybe shouldn't be.
        self.feature_weights = feature_weights  # Prep feature weights (either set to be input, or create
        if feature_weights is None:
            self.feature_weights = np.eye(self.n_extra_features)
            self.feature_weights = feature_weights
        self.include_features_in_adj_matrix = include_features_in_adj_matrix  # Bool about including features in ajd.
        self.include_features_in_G_matrix = include_features_in_G_matrix  # Bool about include features in G.
        self.G_matrix_p_function = G_matrix_p_function
        #How to normmalize extra features.
        self.norm_node_features_std = norm_node_features_std
        self.norm_node_features_cap_std = norm_node_features_cap_std
        self.norm_node_features_0_1 = norm_node_features_0_1

        # Mesh/points characteristics
        self.n_points = vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()  # store number points in mesh.
        # Iterate over the points saving their 3d location.
        self.points = np.zeros((self.n_points, 3))
        for point_idx in range(self.n_points):
            self.points[point_idx, :] = self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_idx)
        self.pts_scale_range = np.ptp(self.points, axis=0)  # range points in each axis
        self.max_pts_scale_range = np.max(self.pts_scale_range)  # max range points
        self.mean_pts_scale_range = np.mean(self.pts_scale_range)  # mean range points (per axis)
        # create normalized version of point coordinates.
        self.normed_points = (self.points - np.min(self.points, axis=0)) / self.mean_pts_scale_range

        # Assign matrices that will be used for laplacian and eigen decomposition.
        self.adjacency_matrix = sparse.lil_matrix((vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints(), vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()))
        self.degree_matrix = None
        self.degree_matrix_inv = None
        self.laplacian_matrix = None
        self.G = None

        # Eigen values that will be calculated & their characteristics.
        self.eig_vals = None
        self.eig_vecs = None
        self.eig_val_gap = None
        self.rand_idxs = self.get_list_rand_idxs(n_rand_samples)

        # Calculate node features & store in self.node_features for use.
        self.node_features = []
        for feature in list_features_to_calc:
            self.node_features += list(features_dictionary[feature](self.vtk_mesh))
        for feature in list_features_to_get_from_mesh:
            n = vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()
            for idx in range(n):
                if vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetArray(idx).GetName() == feature:
                elif idx == n - 1:
                    print('NO SCALARS WITH SPECIFIED NAME')
                    idx = np.nan

            self.node_features += list([vtk_to_numpy(vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetArray(idx)),])

        # normalize the node features w/ options for how it is normalized.
        self.n_extra_features = len(self.node_features)  # number of extra features used.
        # Get version of extra features that are scaled up to the
        self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features = []
        if self.n_extra_features > 0:
            for ftr_idx in range(len(self.node_features)):
                self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features.append(self.node_features[ftr_idx] * self.mean_pts_scale_range)

    def norm_node_features(self, norm_using_std=True, norm_range_0_to_1=True, cap_std=3):
        Need multiple methods of normalizing the node_features.

        :param cap_std:
        :param norm_range_0_to_1:
        :param norm_using_std:
        for idx in range(len(self.node_features)):
            if norm_using_std is True:
                self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.mean(self.node_features[idx])) \
                                          / np.std(self.node_features[idx])
                if cap_std is not False:
                    self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] > cap_std] = cap_std
                    self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] < -cap_std] = -cap_std

            if norm_range_0_to_1 is True:
                self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.min(self.node_features[idx]))\
                                          / np.ptp(self.node_features[idx])

    Functions to create matrices needed for laplacian and eigen decomposition. 

    def get_weighted_adjacency_matrix(self):
        Get/fill the adjacency matrix for the mesh vtk_mesh
        - Add options to enable adding the features

        n_cells = self.vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfCells()
        for cell_idx in range(n_cells):
            cell = self.vtk_mesh.GetCell(cell_idx)
            for edge_idx in range(cell.GetNumberOfEdges()):
                edge = cell.GetEdge(edge_idx)
                point_1 = int(edge.GetPointId(0))
                point_2 = int(edge.GetPointId(1))

                X_pt1 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_1))
                X_pt2 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_2))

                if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_adj_matrix is True):
                    for ftr_idx in range(self.n_extra_features):
                        # Append the "features" to the x/y/z position. Use features that have been scaled to be in
                        # the range of the max range axis of xyz.
                        X_pt1 = np.concatenate((X_pt1, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_1, None]))
                        X_pt2 = np.concatenate((X_pt2, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_2, None]))

                distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X_pt1 -
                self.adjacency_matrix[point_1, point_2] = 1. / distance

    def get_G_matrix(self, p_function='exp'):
        Get G matrix for creating laplacian laplacian = G * (D-W)
        p_function options include:
            - exp
            - log
            - square
            -otherwise just make sure it is 0 or higher.
        :param p_function:
        if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_G_matrix is True):
            self.G = np.zeros(self.n_points)
            for k in range(self.n_extra_features):
                # Add up the normalized node _
                if p_function == 'exp':
                    G = np.exp(self.node_features[k])
                elif p_function == 'log':
                    # use log function. Ensure that all values are above zero (make it 1 and up).
                    G = np.log(self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k]) + 1)
                elif p_function == 'square':
                    G = self.node_features[k]**2
                    # Otherwise, just ensure features are 0 and higher.
                    G = self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k])
                # Scale features to be in range of degree_matrix. Then, multople by the feature weighting.
                G_scaling = self.feature_weights[k, k] * np.ptp(self.degree_matrix) / np.ptp(G)
                self.G += G * G_scaling  # Add scaled feature values to to G matrix.
            self.G = self.G / self.n_extra_features  # Get average self.G across features.
            self.G = sparse.diags(self.G)
            self.G = self.G.multiply(self.degree_matrix_inv.diagonal())
            # self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv @ self.G

            self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv

    def get_degree_matrix(self):
        self.degree_matrix = np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))
        self.degree_matrix = sparse.diags(self.degree_matrix[:, 0])
        self.degree_matrix_inv = sparse.diags((self.degree_matrix.diagonal() + 1e-8)**-1)

    def get_laplacian_matrix(self):
        # Ensure that G is defined.
        if self.G is None:
            self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv
        laplacian = self.degree_matrix - self.adjacency_matrix
        self.laplacian_matrix = self.G @ laplacian

    def get_graph_spectrum(self):

        # sparse.csc_matrix was faster than sparse.csr_matrix on tests of 5k square matrix.
        # (359+/- 6.7 ms vs 379 +/- 20.2 ms  including 10 iterations per run and 7 runs).
        # providing sigma (a value to find eigenvalues near to) slows things down considerably.
        # providing `ncv` doesnt change things too much (maybe slower if anything).
        # The sparse versions are even faster than using eigh on a dense matrix.
        # Therefore, use sparse matrices for all circumstances.
        # laplacian_sparse = sparse.csc_matrix(self.laplacian_matrix)
        print('Beginning Eigen Decomposition')

        self.eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = recursive_eig(self.laplacian_matrix,
                                           k=self.n_spectral_features + 1,

        print('All final eigenvalues are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))
        print('-' * 72)
        print('Final eigenvalues of interest are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))

        if self.norm_eig_vecs is True:
            self.eig_vecs = (self.eig_vecs - np.min(self.eig_vecs, axis=0)) / np.ptp(self.eig_vecs, axis=0) - 0.5

    Get sub samples/measurements from/of eigenvectors or characteristics about them. 

    def get_eig_val_gap(self):
        self.eig_val_gap = np.mean(np.diff(self.eig_vals))

    def get_rand_eig_vecs(self):
        return self.eig_vecs[self.rand_idxs, :]

    def get_rand_normalized_points(self):
        return (self.points[self.rand_idxs, :] - np.min(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)) \
               / np.ptp(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)

    def get_list_rand_idxs(self, n_rand_samples, replace=False, force_randomization=False):
        Return idxs of random samples
        - By default do not use replacement (each sample should only be able to be taken one)
        - If n_rand_samples is more than the number of points, should just return idxs to all points.
        :param force_randomization:
        :param n_rand_samples:
        :param replace:
        if n_rand_samples > self.n_points:
            list_points = np.arange(self.n_points)
            if force_randomization is True:
            return list_points

        return np.random.choice(self.n_points, size=n_rand_samples, replace=replace)

    View meshes/points/results. 

    def view_mesh_existing_scalars(self):
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[self.vtk_mesh]
        return plotter

    def view_mesh_eig_vec(self, eig_vec=0):
        tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
        tmp_mesh.GetPointData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(self.eig_vecs[:, eig_vec])))
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
        return plotter

    def view_mesh_features(self, feature_idx=0):
        tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
        return plotter

    Filter graph f(x)s 

    def mean_filter_graph(self, values, iterations=300):
        See below for copyright of this particular function:
        However, note that some changes have been made as the original was in Matlab, and included more options etc.

        Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Leo Grady <>
        Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience Lab
        Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
        Boston University
        Boston, MA  02215

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
        as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
        of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
        Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

        :param values:
        :param iterations:
        D_inv = sparse.diags(1. / (1 + np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))[:, 0]))
        out_values = values
        average_mat = D_inv @ (self.adjacency_matrix + sparse.eye(self.adjacency_matrix.shape[0]))
        for iteration in range(iterations):
            out_values = average_mat @ out_values
        return out_values

def recursive_eig(matrix, k, n_k_needed, k_buffer=1, sigma=1e-10, which='LM'):
    Recursive function to iteratively get eigs until have enough to get fiedler + n_k_needed @ minimum.
    If one final
    :param matrix:
    :param k:
    :param n_k_needed:
    :param k_buffer:
    :param sigma:
    :param which:
    MIN_EIG_VAL = 1e-10

    eig_vals, eig_vecs = eigs(matrix, k=k, sigma=sigma, which=which, ncv=4*k)
    n_good_eigen_vals = sum(eig_vals > MIN_EIG_VAL)

    if n_good_eigen_vals < n_k_needed:
        print('Not enough eigenvalues found, trying again with more eigenvalues!')
        k += k_buffer + n_k_needed
        eig_vals, eig_vecs = recursive_eig(matrix, k, n_k_needed, k_buffer, sigma, which)

    eig_keep = np.where(eig_vals > MIN_EIG_VAL)[0]

    eig_vals = eig_vals[eig_keep]
    eig_vecs = eig_vecs[:, eig_keep]

    eig_vals = np.real(eig_vals)
    eig_vecs = np.real(eig_vecs)

    return eig_vals, eig_vecs


def recursive_eig(matrix, k, n_k_needed, k_buffer=1, sigma=1e-10, which='LM')

Recursive function to iteratively get eigs until have enough to get fiedler + n_k_needed @ minimum. If one final :param matrix: :param k: :param n_k_needed: :param k_buffer: :param sigma: :param which: :return:

Expand source code
def recursive_eig(matrix, k, n_k_needed, k_buffer=1, sigma=1e-10, which='LM'):
    Recursive function to iteratively get eigs until have enough to get fiedler + n_k_needed @ minimum.
    If one final
    :param matrix:
    :param k:
    :param n_k_needed:
    :param k_buffer:
    :param sigma:
    :param which:
    MIN_EIG_VAL = 1e-10

    eig_vals, eig_vecs = eigs(matrix, k=k, sigma=sigma, which=which, ncv=4*k)
    n_good_eigen_vals = sum(eig_vals > MIN_EIG_VAL)

    if n_good_eigen_vals < n_k_needed:
        print('Not enough eigenvalues found, trying again with more eigenvalues!')
        k += k_buffer + n_k_needed
        eig_vals, eig_vecs = recursive_eig(matrix, k, n_k_needed, k_buffer, sigma, which)

    eig_keep = np.where(eig_vals > MIN_EIG_VAL)[0]

    eig_vals = eig_vals[eig_keep]
    eig_vecs = eig_vecs[:, eig_keep]

    eig_vals = np.real(eig_vals)
    eig_vecs = np.real(eig_vecs)

    return eig_vals, eig_vecs


class Graph (vtk_mesh, n_spectral_features=3, norm_eig_vecs=True, n_rand_samples=10000, list_features_to_calc=[], list_features_to_get_from_mesh=[], feature_weights=None, include_features_in_adj_matrix=False, include_features_in_G_matrix=False, G_matrix_p_function='exp', norm_node_features_std=True, norm_node_features_cap_std=3, norm_node_features_0_1=True)
Expand source code
class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self,

        # Inputs
        self.vtk_mesh = vtk_mesh  # store mesh
        self.n_spectral_features = n_spectral_features  # number of spectral features to extract.
        self.norm_eig_vecs = norm_eig_vecs  # Bool - to normalize eigvecs or not. Option, but maybe shouldn't be.
        self.feature_weights = feature_weights  # Prep feature weights (either set to be input, or create
        if feature_weights is None:
            self.feature_weights = np.eye(self.n_extra_features)
            self.feature_weights = feature_weights
        self.include_features_in_adj_matrix = include_features_in_adj_matrix  # Bool about including features in ajd.
        self.include_features_in_G_matrix = include_features_in_G_matrix  # Bool about include features in G.
        self.G_matrix_p_function = G_matrix_p_function
        #How to normmalize extra features.
        self.norm_node_features_std = norm_node_features_std
        self.norm_node_features_cap_std = norm_node_features_cap_std
        self.norm_node_features_0_1 = norm_node_features_0_1

        # Mesh/points characteristics
        self.n_points = vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()  # store number points in mesh.
        # Iterate over the points saving their 3d location.
        self.points = np.zeros((self.n_points, 3))
        for point_idx in range(self.n_points):
            self.points[point_idx, :] = self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_idx)
        self.pts_scale_range = np.ptp(self.points, axis=0)  # range points in each axis
        self.max_pts_scale_range = np.max(self.pts_scale_range)  # max range points
        self.mean_pts_scale_range = np.mean(self.pts_scale_range)  # mean range points (per axis)
        # create normalized version of point coordinates.
        self.normed_points = (self.points - np.min(self.points, axis=0)) / self.mean_pts_scale_range

        # Assign matrices that will be used for laplacian and eigen decomposition.
        self.adjacency_matrix = sparse.lil_matrix((vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints(), vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()))
        self.degree_matrix = None
        self.degree_matrix_inv = None
        self.laplacian_matrix = None
        self.G = None

        # Eigen values that will be calculated & their characteristics.
        self.eig_vals = None
        self.eig_vecs = None
        self.eig_val_gap = None
        self.rand_idxs = self.get_list_rand_idxs(n_rand_samples)

        # Calculate node features & store in self.node_features for use.
        self.node_features = []
        for feature in list_features_to_calc:
            self.node_features += list(features_dictionary[feature](self.vtk_mesh))
        for feature in list_features_to_get_from_mesh:
            n = vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()
            for idx in range(n):
                if vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetArray(idx).GetName() == feature:
                elif idx == n - 1:
                    print('NO SCALARS WITH SPECIFIED NAME')
                    idx = np.nan

            self.node_features += list([vtk_to_numpy(vtk_mesh.GetPointData().GetArray(idx)),])

        # normalize the node features w/ options for how it is normalized.
        self.n_extra_features = len(self.node_features)  # number of extra features used.
        # Get version of extra features that are scaled up to the
        self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features = []
        if self.n_extra_features > 0:
            for ftr_idx in range(len(self.node_features)):
                self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features.append(self.node_features[ftr_idx] * self.mean_pts_scale_range)

    def norm_node_features(self, norm_using_std=True, norm_range_0_to_1=True, cap_std=3):
        Need multiple methods of normalizing the node_features.

        :param cap_std:
        :param norm_range_0_to_1:
        :param norm_using_std:
        for idx in range(len(self.node_features)):
            if norm_using_std is True:
                self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.mean(self.node_features[idx])) \
                                          / np.std(self.node_features[idx])
                if cap_std is not False:
                    self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] > cap_std] = cap_std
                    self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] < -cap_std] = -cap_std

            if norm_range_0_to_1 is True:
                self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.min(self.node_features[idx]))\
                                          / np.ptp(self.node_features[idx])

    Functions to create matrices needed for laplacian and eigen decomposition. 

    def get_weighted_adjacency_matrix(self):
        Get/fill the adjacency matrix for the mesh vtk_mesh
        - Add options to enable adding the features

        n_cells = self.vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfCells()
        for cell_idx in range(n_cells):
            cell = self.vtk_mesh.GetCell(cell_idx)
            for edge_idx in range(cell.GetNumberOfEdges()):
                edge = cell.GetEdge(edge_idx)
                point_1 = int(edge.GetPointId(0))
                point_2 = int(edge.GetPointId(1))

                X_pt1 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_1))
                X_pt2 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_2))

                if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_adj_matrix is True):
                    for ftr_idx in range(self.n_extra_features):
                        # Append the "features" to the x/y/z position. Use features that have been scaled to be in
                        # the range of the max range axis of xyz.
                        X_pt1 = np.concatenate((X_pt1, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_1, None]))
                        X_pt2 = np.concatenate((X_pt2, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_2, None]))

                distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X_pt1 -
                self.adjacency_matrix[point_1, point_2] = 1. / distance

    def get_G_matrix(self, p_function='exp'):
        Get G matrix for creating laplacian laplacian = G * (D-W)
        p_function options include:
            - exp
            - log
            - square
            -otherwise just make sure it is 0 or higher.
        :param p_function:
        if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_G_matrix is True):
            self.G = np.zeros(self.n_points)
            for k in range(self.n_extra_features):
                # Add up the normalized node _
                if p_function == 'exp':
                    G = np.exp(self.node_features[k])
                elif p_function == 'log':
                    # use log function. Ensure that all values are above zero (make it 1 and up).
                    G = np.log(self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k]) + 1)
                elif p_function == 'square':
                    G = self.node_features[k]**2
                    # Otherwise, just ensure features are 0 and higher.
                    G = self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k])
                # Scale features to be in range of degree_matrix. Then, multople by the feature weighting.
                G_scaling = self.feature_weights[k, k] * np.ptp(self.degree_matrix) / np.ptp(G)
                self.G += G * G_scaling  # Add scaled feature values to to G matrix.
            self.G = self.G / self.n_extra_features  # Get average self.G across features.
            self.G = sparse.diags(self.G)
            self.G = self.G.multiply(self.degree_matrix_inv.diagonal())
            # self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv @ self.G

            self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv

    def get_degree_matrix(self):
        self.degree_matrix = np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))
        self.degree_matrix = sparse.diags(self.degree_matrix[:, 0])
        self.degree_matrix_inv = sparse.diags((self.degree_matrix.diagonal() + 1e-8)**-1)

    def get_laplacian_matrix(self):
        # Ensure that G is defined.
        if self.G is None:
            self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv
        laplacian = self.degree_matrix - self.adjacency_matrix
        self.laplacian_matrix = self.G @ laplacian

    def get_graph_spectrum(self):

        # sparse.csc_matrix was faster than sparse.csr_matrix on tests of 5k square matrix.
        # (359+/- 6.7 ms vs 379 +/- 20.2 ms  including 10 iterations per run and 7 runs).
        # providing sigma (a value to find eigenvalues near to) slows things down considerably.
        # providing `ncv` doesnt change things too much (maybe slower if anything).
        # The sparse versions are even faster than using eigh on a dense matrix.
        # Therefore, use sparse matrices for all circumstances.
        # laplacian_sparse = sparse.csc_matrix(self.laplacian_matrix)
        print('Beginning Eigen Decomposition')

        self.eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = recursive_eig(self.laplacian_matrix,
                                           k=self.n_spectral_features + 1,

        print('All final eigenvalues are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))
        print('-' * 72)
        print('Final eigenvalues of interest are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))

        if self.norm_eig_vecs is True:
            self.eig_vecs = (self.eig_vecs - np.min(self.eig_vecs, axis=0)) / np.ptp(self.eig_vecs, axis=0) - 0.5

    Get sub samples/measurements from/of eigenvectors or characteristics about them. 

    def get_eig_val_gap(self):
        self.eig_val_gap = np.mean(np.diff(self.eig_vals))

    def get_rand_eig_vecs(self):
        return self.eig_vecs[self.rand_idxs, :]

    def get_rand_normalized_points(self):
        return (self.points[self.rand_idxs, :] - np.min(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)) \
               / np.ptp(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)

    def get_list_rand_idxs(self, n_rand_samples, replace=False, force_randomization=False):
        Return idxs of random samples
        - By default do not use replacement (each sample should only be able to be taken one)
        - If n_rand_samples is more than the number of points, should just return idxs to all points.
        :param force_randomization:
        :param n_rand_samples:
        :param replace:
        if n_rand_samples > self.n_points:
            list_points = np.arange(self.n_points)
            if force_randomization is True:
            return list_points

        return np.random.choice(self.n_points, size=n_rand_samples, replace=replace)

    View meshes/points/results. 

    def view_mesh_existing_scalars(self):
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[self.vtk_mesh]
        return plotter

    def view_mesh_eig_vec(self, eig_vec=0):
        tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
        tmp_mesh.GetPointData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(self.eig_vecs[:, eig_vec])))
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
        return plotter

    def view_mesh_features(self, feature_idx=0):
        tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
        plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
        return plotter

    Filter graph f(x)s 

    def mean_filter_graph(self, values, iterations=300):
        See below for copyright of this particular function:
        However, note that some changes have been made as the original was in Matlab, and included more options etc.

        Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Leo Grady <>
        Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience Lab
        Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
        Boston University
        Boston, MA  02215

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
        as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
        of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
        Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

        :param values:
        :param iterations:
        D_inv = sparse.diags(1. / (1 + np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))[:, 0]))
        out_values = values
        average_mat = D_inv @ (self.adjacency_matrix + sparse.eye(self.adjacency_matrix.shape[0]))
        for iteration in range(iterations):
            out_values = average_mat @ out_values
        return out_values


def get_G_matrix(self, p_function='exp')

Get G matrix for creating laplacian laplacian = G * (D-W) p_function options include: - exp - log - square -otherwise just make sure it is 0 or higher. :param p_function: :return:

Expand source code
def get_G_matrix(self, p_function='exp'):
    Get G matrix for creating laplacian laplacian = G * (D-W)
    p_function options include:
        - exp
        - log
        - square
        -otherwise just make sure it is 0 or higher.
    :param p_function:
    if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_G_matrix is True):
        self.G = np.zeros(self.n_points)
        for k in range(self.n_extra_features):
            # Add up the normalized node _
            if p_function == 'exp':
                G = np.exp(self.node_features[k])
            elif p_function == 'log':
                # use log function. Ensure that all values are above zero (make it 1 and up).
                G = np.log(self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k]) + 1)
            elif p_function == 'square':
                G = self.node_features[k]**2
                # Otherwise, just ensure features are 0 and higher.
                G = self.node_features[k] - np.min(self.node_features[k])
            # Scale features to be in range of degree_matrix. Then, multople by the feature weighting.
            G_scaling = self.feature_weights[k, k] * np.ptp(self.degree_matrix) / np.ptp(G)
            self.G += G * G_scaling  # Add scaled feature values to to G matrix.
        self.G = self.G / self.n_extra_features  # Get average self.G across features.
        self.G = sparse.diags(self.G)
        self.G = self.G.multiply(self.degree_matrix_inv.diagonal())
        # self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv @ self.G

        self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv
def get_degree_matrix(self)
Expand source code
def get_degree_matrix(self):
    self.degree_matrix = np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))
    self.degree_matrix = sparse.diags(self.degree_matrix[:, 0])
    self.degree_matrix_inv = sparse.diags((self.degree_matrix.diagonal() + 1e-8)**-1)
def get_eig_val_gap(self)
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def get_eig_val_gap(self):
    self.eig_val_gap = np.mean(np.diff(self.eig_vals))
def get_graph_spectrum(self)
Expand source code
def get_graph_spectrum(self):

    # sparse.csc_matrix was faster than sparse.csr_matrix on tests of 5k square matrix.
    # (359+/- 6.7 ms vs 379 +/- 20.2 ms  including 10 iterations per run and 7 runs).
    # providing sigma (a value to find eigenvalues near to) slows things down considerably.
    # providing `ncv` doesnt change things too much (maybe slower if anything).
    # The sparse versions are even faster than using eigh on a dense matrix.
    # Therefore, use sparse matrices for all circumstances.
    # laplacian_sparse = sparse.csc_matrix(self.laplacian_matrix)
    print('Beginning Eigen Decomposition')

    self.eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = recursive_eig(self.laplacian_matrix,
                                       k=self.n_spectral_features + 1,

    print('All final eigenvalues are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))
    print('-' * 72)
    print('Final eigenvalues of interest are: \n{}'.format(self.eig_vals))

    if self.norm_eig_vecs is True:
        self.eig_vecs = (self.eig_vecs - np.min(self.eig_vecs, axis=0)) / np.ptp(self.eig_vecs, axis=0) - 0.5
def get_laplacian_matrix(self)
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def get_laplacian_matrix(self):
    # Ensure that G is defined.
    if self.G is None:
        self.G = self.degree_matrix_inv
    laplacian = self.degree_matrix - self.adjacency_matrix
    self.laplacian_matrix = self.G @ laplacian
def get_list_rand_idxs(self, n_rand_samples, replace=False, force_randomization=False)

Return idxs of random samples - By default do not use replacement (each sample should only be able to be taken one) - If n_rand_samples is more than the number of points, should just return idxs to all points. :param force_randomization: :param n_rand_samples: :param replace: :return:

Expand source code
def get_list_rand_idxs(self, n_rand_samples, replace=False, force_randomization=False):
    Return idxs of random samples
    - By default do not use replacement (each sample should only be able to be taken one)
    - If n_rand_samples is more than the number of points, should just return idxs to all points.
    :param force_randomization:
    :param n_rand_samples:
    :param replace:
    if n_rand_samples > self.n_points:
        list_points = np.arange(self.n_points)
        if force_randomization is True:
        return list_points

    return np.random.choice(self.n_points, size=n_rand_samples, replace=replace)
def get_rand_eig_vecs(self)
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def get_rand_eig_vecs(self):
    return self.eig_vecs[self.rand_idxs, :]
def get_rand_normalized_points(self)
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def get_rand_normalized_points(self):
    return (self.points[self.rand_idxs, :] - np.min(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)) \
           / np.ptp(self.points[self.rand_idxs, :], axis=0)
def get_weighted_adjacency_matrix(self)

Get/fill the adjacency matrix for the mesh vtk_mesh - Add options to enable adding the features :return:

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def get_weighted_adjacency_matrix(self):
    Get/fill the adjacency matrix for the mesh vtk_mesh
    - Add options to enable adding the features

    n_cells = self.vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfCells()
    for cell_idx in range(n_cells):
        cell = self.vtk_mesh.GetCell(cell_idx)
        for edge_idx in range(cell.GetNumberOfEdges()):
            edge = cell.GetEdge(edge_idx)
            point_1 = int(edge.GetPointId(0))
            point_2 = int(edge.GetPointId(1))

            X_pt1 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_1))
            X_pt2 = np.asarray(self.vtk_mesh.GetPoint(point_2))

            if (self.n_extra_features > 0) & (self.include_features_in_adj_matrix is True):
                for ftr_idx in range(self.n_extra_features):
                    # Append the "features" to the x/y/z position. Use features that have been scaled to be in
                    # the range of the max range axis of xyz.
                    X_pt1 = np.concatenate((X_pt1, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_1, None]))
                    X_pt2 = np.concatenate((X_pt2, self.mean_xyz_range_scaled_features[ftr_idx][point_2, None]))

            distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X_pt1 -
            self.adjacency_matrix[point_1, point_2] = 1. / distance
def mean_filter_graph(self, values, iterations=300)

See below for copyright of this particular function: However, note that some changes have been made as the original was in Matlab, and included more options etc.

Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Leo Grady Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience Lab Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems Boston University Boston, MA 02215

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

:param values: :param iterations: :return:

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def mean_filter_graph(self, values, iterations=300):
    See below for copyright of this particular function:
    However, note that some changes have been made as the original was in Matlab, and included more options etc.

    Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Leo Grady <>
    Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience Lab
    Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
    Boston University
    Boston, MA  02215

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

    :param values:
    :param iterations:
    D_inv = sparse.diags(1. / (1 + np.asarray(self.adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1))[:, 0]))
    out_values = values
    average_mat = D_inv @ (self.adjacency_matrix + sparse.eye(self.adjacency_matrix.shape[0]))
    for iteration in range(iterations):
        out_values = average_mat @ out_values
    return out_values
def norm_node_features(self, norm_using_std=True, norm_range_0_to_1=True, cap_std=3)

Need multiple methods of normalizing the node_features.

:param cap_std: :param norm_range_0_to_1: :param norm_using_std: :return:

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def norm_node_features(self, norm_using_std=True, norm_range_0_to_1=True, cap_std=3):
    Need multiple methods of normalizing the node_features.

    :param cap_std:
    :param norm_range_0_to_1:
    :param norm_using_std:
    for idx in range(len(self.node_features)):
        if norm_using_std is True:
            self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.mean(self.node_features[idx])) \
                                      / np.std(self.node_features[idx])
            if cap_std is not False:
                self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] > cap_std] = cap_std
                self.node_features[idx][self.node_features[idx] < -cap_std] = -cap_std

        if norm_range_0_to_1 is True:
            self.node_features[idx] = (self.node_features[idx] - np.min(self.node_features[idx]))\
                                      / np.ptp(self.node_features[idx])
def view_mesh_eig_vec(self, eig_vec=0)
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def view_mesh_eig_vec(self, eig_vec=0):
    tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
    tmp_mesh.GetPointData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(self.eig_vecs[:, eig_vec])))
    plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
    return plotter
def view_mesh_existing_scalars(self)
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def view_mesh_existing_scalars(self):
    plotter = Viewer(geometries=[self.vtk_mesh]
    return plotter
def view_mesh_features(self, feature_idx=0)
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def view_mesh_features(self, feature_idx=0):
    tmp_mesh = vtk_deep_copy(self.vtk_mesh)
    plotter = Viewer(geometries=[tmp_mesh]
    return plotter